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3D Printing gets Presidential seal of approval.

Last week during his annual State of the Union address, US President Obama not only mentioned 3D Printing, he earmarked it as a key strategy for the re-invigoration of the US manufacturing Industry.


In August 2012 Obama initiated early testing of this strategy through the funding of a National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute in Youngstown, Ohio. Youngstown represented the heart of steel manufacturing within the US and has been one the areas hardest hit by the American recession, today a once shuttered off warehouse is home the a state of the art lab where workers are mastering the 3D printing process.


With a vision to create a 15 node 3D printing network across the US it is clear Obama has faith in the potential for growth presenting by 3D printing technologies. Obama announced the launch of three more of these manufacturing hubs “where businesses will partner with the Departments of Defence and Energy to turn regions left behind by globalization into global centers of high tech jobs”


Some argue that the potential for 3D printing to revolutionize American manufacturing is greatly over hyped due to high labour and logistics costs within the US. Only time will tell if Obama’s policy will have the desired impact however for 3D printing advocates his mere mention of the technology in one of the the most widely listened to public speeches is likely to further strengthen public interest in 3D printing technologies.

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