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Flying 3D printer could help remove nuclear waste

The Aerial Robotics Lab at Imperial College London is at the forefront of research and technological innovation in robotics technologies. Their recent project, the world's first 3D printing flying robot, can build nests and carry heavy containers out of hard-to-reach places - all autonomously.


The idea was inspired by the swiflets that build nests using their own saliva. The researchers at the Aerial Robotics Laboratory of Imperial College London, led by Mirko Kovac, Adam Braithwaite and Graham Hunt, built a quadcopter, an aerial robot that can print structures and build its own nest.


The quadcopter can be used to help remove dangerous objects in challenging environments. To remove an object, this flying 3D printer first prints a sticky form onto the object. Then a second robot, which guides itself to the object using GPS and sensors, lands on the foam. In a few minutes, after the chemical form hardens, the second robot takes off again, carrying the object with it. Such drones can be used to remove radioactive waste from nuclear sites, or to fix damaged roofs and building bridges.

The hexacopter, the second robot, runs on a regular battery but can carry at least 2.5 kilograms, says Kovac. He expects the scaled-up versions could carry up to 40 kg. In the future the robots can also be equipped with a fuel cell that allows them to recharge their batteries with solar cells.


The goal is to increase the mission of drones, which could, for example, be deployed in remote situations. "In particular, extending the scope of scientific survey robots in challenging environments such as rainforests through the adaptable construction of recharging platforms or monitoring stations," said Thomas Creedy, an ecologist at the Natural History Museum in London who is working with Kovac.


Kovac plans to show off the drones at the Imperial Festival in London on 9 and 10 May.


Watch the video below showing the flying 3D printer and robot in action.

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