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Print intricatedly designed pancakes with PancakeBot printer

This weekend, designer Miguel Valenzuela will be debuting the new version of PancakeBot at the Bay Area Maker Faire held at the San Mateo Event Center.


PancakeBot is a printer that draws intricately designed pancakes. There are two versions of the PancakeBot: the initial LEGO version and a new version made out of Acrylic. The new PancakeBot prototype has "an acrylic body, and Arduino Mega and two Adafruit Motor Shields. It uses two stepper motors and two belt drives to control the location of the batter as well as a vacuum pump for batter control."


Project PancakeBot aims to inspire kids to create and have fun with their food as well as develop interests in engineering, programming and food manufacturing through the use of PancakeBot, says Valenzuela.


Check out the videos below of the PancakeBot in action.

Vanenzuela is an American living in Norway and has always a passion about engineering and food. Inspired by his two daughters, Vanenzuela made his first pancakebot out of Lego in 2010, which you can see in action here:

The LEGO version of PancakeBot uses the NXT 2.0 system but also works with the NXT 1.0 software. As a matter of fact, it was originally made using the NXT 1.0 software. Making basic round pancakes is pretty simple with PancakeBot. Drawing different shapes and designs takes a lot more work and even some programming experience.

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