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The Future Is Here: How 3D Printing Is Opening The Door To Space Colonization


The Future Is Finally Here

Back before we had smartphones and internet apps, we had assumptions about what life would be like in the 21st century. We assumed flying cars. We assumed (thank you Jetsons) robo-maids. And, most of all, we assumed space colonies.


We’ve been making assumptions about space colonies for a very long time. Their first historical appearance is in an 1869 Edward Everett Hale novella, The Brick Moon. Over the next hundred and fifty years, thousands of other visionary thinkers added their ideas to this pool.


Yet, despite all this pipe-dreaming, it hasn’t happened. Neither governments nor private companies have been able to make this vision a reality. In fact, in total, progress in anything off-world has been disappointingly slow.


But all this is about to change. For the first time in history, space colonies are about to become a very real possibility. So we’d like to be the first to welcome you to the tomorrow that’s you’ve been waiting for.


Where Is My Starbucks On The Moon?

Before we get into what’s coming soon, let’s first take a look at why it’s taken so long to arrive.


The main reason we haven’t been able to colonize space has been our inability to build anything in space. Everything we make, we make on Earth. And then we have to ship that stuff into space—which is the real issue.


Launching anything into space costs roughly $10,000/lb., and everything we do manage to launch must be able to withstand the serious g-forces of take off and still function perfectly in a hostile, zero-gravity environment. This means that sending anything into space is an extremely expensive and slow process, requiring millions of dollars and years of vigorous testing. No one can afford to screw up. Nothing can be replaced once it’s launched.


Unsurprisingly, it’s precisely these high costs and sluggish development cycles that have been preventing inventors and engineers from creating new structures for space, meaning that our promise for colonization isn’t a lot better now than it was in the 1970s.


The First Object Made In Space Will Be Manufactured By A 3D Printer


Enter Made in Space.


Starting next year, and in partnership with NASA, this Silicon Valley-based company—founded by serial entrepreneurs Aaron Kemmer, Jason Dunn, and Mike Chen—will begin using 3D printing to make objects aboard the International Space Station.

“Structures for space flight are currently constructed on earth,” says Dan Barry, three-time astronaut and advisor to Made in Space, ”so they have to withstand earth’s gravity as well as launch vibrations and g loads. Structures that are 3D printed in orbit can be much more elegant, in some cases not even strong enough to support their own weight on earth, yet fully functional in microgravity.  3D printing tools, parts, and structures on-demand in space enables us to build parts with minimum materials and have them immediately available for use. The reduction in spare parts requirements alone represents a huge savings in costs and logistics complexity.”


Turns out, building a 3D printer that works reliably in the extreme conditions of space proved to be a huge challenge. The device needed to be compact, it needed to be safe, it needed to withstand a rocket launch, and it needed to work in zero gravity. Made in Space tested dozens of available additive manufacturing solutions, including many of the 3D printers on the market. Not one of them worked.


So Made in Space built their own. Over the past year, that printer has been exhaustively tested in zero gravity, then confirmed functional and ready for launch by a panel of NASA engineers. In 2014, it will be sent into space and will manufacture the first object ever created outside of Earth. In 2015, Made in Space will install a second, more advanced 3D printer on the International Space Station.


The Future of Micro-gravity Manufacturing

Why is this such a big deal? Today, all items sent into space are rigorously “over-engineered” to withstand launch. 3D printing allows for objects to be specifically designed for a microgravity environment. This means that now-critical space-based technologies, such as satellite systems, could soon be disrupted by an innovation that could only be made in space.

And it means much more. Researchers on Earth are experimenting with 3D printing organs, blood vessels, and human embryonic stem cells. Eventually, the ability to print these items on demand away from Earth will lead to the freedom from Earth that extended duration space exploration will require. Before that happens though, Made in Space’s 3D printer will be enabling biological experiments on the International Space Station. At the same time, it will be demonstrating time and time again that astronauts can build what they need in space rather than having to launch them–everything including spare parts, tools, repairs, upgrades, experiments, and entirely new parts and structures. As 3D printing technology progresses, this capability will get more and more powerful.

“The first 3D printers on the ISS will be able to build objects that could never be manufactured on Earth. Imagine, for example, building a structure that couldn’t withstand it’s own weight,” said Made in Space CEO Aaron Kemmer. “This includes equipment that enables research in medicine, biotech, life sciences, material sciences, and satellite development.”


Even more exciting is that the technology itself is evolving. The first version of the 3D printer being sent up to the ISS prints with a polymer material, but machines capable of printing multiple materials—including metals—are already available here on Earth, and should be space ready within a few years.


It is this possibility that will pave the way for actual off-world habitats.

“Imagine being able to colonize a distant planet by bringing nothing but a 3D printer and some mining equipment. It might sound like science fiction, but the first steps towards making it a reality are happing in our lab right now, and next year on the ISS. Once we have the ability to extract usable resources from asteroids, planets, and moons, we will be able to use those resources to create large and complex structures that could sustain human life. The key is being able to build everything we need when we get there, because it’s too hard to drag it all along with us.” said Mike Chen, Chief Strategy Officer for Made in Space.

In other words, the future will not be built on Earth…it will be made in space.

The Final Frontier Needs Your Ideas 

Since designs done on Earth can be sent digitally to the International Space Station (and manufactured there), Made in Space is making their 3D printer available to the general public.


Literally. Anyone with an idea for something that can be manufactured in space, can now take their shot. And please do. In order to realize the space colonization dreams of the last century, Made in Space wants your help. They want to hear your ideas about what should be manufactured in space. Please email suggestions to

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